1. Sign Language Interpreter
Learn sign language and become an interpreter for companies and individuals.
2. Office Manager
Professional Organiser, Bookkeeper, Virtual Office Manager. Retail Saleswoman. Direct Sales, Online Auctions.
3. After-care service
Want to stay home with your children?
Look after your child, and others, after school. Get paid to pick children up after school and take care of them until their parents return home from work.
4. Professional Organiser
This is best for articulate, neat people. Rent yourself out to residential houses by organising and tidying up garages, home offices, kitchens and other rooms. Become an adviser on how to organise areas efficiently and clutter-free. From this you can also branch out into organising files, data, etc. You can also specialise in closet organising.
5. Portrait Sketching
If you are a fairly talented artist who is good at portraits using various paint mediums, advertise yourself. Sketch or paint portraits from your home. Family portraits and children’s portraits are popular
6. Stem Cell Nutrition Supplements – In this day and age having stem cell storage done is very popular. Stem cells are collected from the umbilical cord of a newborn child and are cryogenically stored. These frozen cells can later be used to treat life threatening diseases to your child or family member. Stem Cell nutrition supplements claim to assist your body in releasing more adult Stem Cells. The adult Stem Cells migrate to where they are needed in the body and in the process they can bring about regeneration and help your body to repair in areas where it has been stagnant or injured. While there is a great deal of hype and interest in this procedure, companies such as GeoffGoldie.net have introduced a niche MLM business opportunity selling Stem Cell Nutrition Supplements. Here you can introduce new members to the system and earn profit as much as 5 levels deep. For each member you introduce to the network you will earn a profit on them and the sales and members that they produce. The beauty of these MLM opportunities is that they operate on a global basis, so you can recruit new members from anywhere in the world. In order to run this MLM business opportunity you must be able to attend seminars and not be afraid to talk to people at expos and meetings. A South African version of this business opportunity is Stem Enhance which is available through www.willemsmuts.co.za
7. Nurse
Personalised weight-loss consulting, teaching childbirth classes, being a midwife, lactation consultant, home healthcare or nutrition supplements or vitamin sales. Insurance companies and medical aids also require these skills for the review of cases and claims assessments.
8. Website publisher
If you already have a computer, information retrieval and the management of Internet information is a possibility. Become a website publisher.
9. Online Property Advertising Affiliates
Successful online property websites such as PriceNet Property, Private Property and Rent-A-Spot offer fantastic affiliate marketing opportunities whereby those who register can earn a commission for every new house that is listed or sold through their efforts. This can be done by placing adverts online or by hosting the property site banners and advertising material on your own website. Encouraging people you know that are selling their houses, to list their property through your website will start earning you extra income in no time at all. Perhaps you could make yourself a business card and start handing it out to businesses in your area and even friends. You can sign up for this type of affiliate program through OfferForge.
10. Image Consultant
Image consulting is a fast-growing industry as more people are becoming more conscious about how they dress in public and for functions. Target celebrities and socialites.
11. Pet walking
If you are a pet lover, look after pets while owners are on holiday or at work. Your clients will know that their pets get proper care and individual attention. They take their pets to your home where you look after them instead of the impersonal pet shelters and kennels/catteries. Walk dogs on the beach, park or around the area.
12. Professional Reviewer
Review CD’s, books, websites, and programme packages, etc., or review restaurants, shops, clubs, etc.
13. Tax Consultant
Experience in the tax industry? Advise people on tax forms and assist in filling forms out correctly.
How to Start a Tyre Recycling Business in South Africa
Tyre recycling businesses take wasted tires and convert them to products that serve as raw materials for a variety of industrial and civil engineering processes. Before starting a tire recycling business, conduct a thorough market analysis to identify possible customers in your area and to find reliable sources of supply
How to Start a Battery Recycling Business in South Africa
Battery recycling can be described as crushing old batteries into pieces and then using the new pieces to make a new battery.
How to start A courier service business in South Africa
You can start a local, small business courier service with minimal equipment, beyond a basic office setup and reliable transportation. You can usually start out with your own car, van or SUV, then upgrade to more and larger vehicles as needed when your business grows.