starting a restaurant in south africa

restaurant is a business that concentrates on selling meals and may or may not be licensed to sell liquor for consumption on the premises. Below you will find a list of questions you need to ask your self when starting a restaurant in South Africa.

Where will this restaurant be located : Location is the single most important factor that can make or break your restaurant dream. Is your site located close to and around the type of people your restaurant concept is targeting? If you’re interested in a fine dining restaurant, your site should be located in an upscale commercial or residential part of town where the kind of people who will patronize you live or work.

Venue for your restaurant:

  • Is the site you have chosen quiet enough for people to eat or drink undisturbed?
  • Is the site free of unpleasant odours, rubbish etc.?
  • Are the street surrounds neat, well kept and regularly maintained?

Parking: Is there enough parking in the surrounds to accommodate your customers, and can they park safely and conveniently?

Health: Health Regulations must be adhered to. Have you contacted your local council for health regulations and requirements related to eating and catering establishments?


Application for and granting of a trading licence

The Local Council will circulate your application to the relevant Health, Fire and Building Inspectors, to Town planning etc. who will ensure that your business plans for your business comply with their regulations.


Signage for local roads in the Local Municipality areas can be arranged through the Local Tourism Bureau in the Municipality. For signage on National Raods and secondary roads, the Regional Tourism Liaison Committee (RTLC) can be contacted for the processing and issuing of signs. Contact Ms Itumeleng Pooe, The Director: Tourism Regulation, at 021 483 8759, for contact details of the RTLC in your region.


Find out from your Local Council if your Local planning structures allow for your chosen business activity on the site you have selected.


Liquor Licence

For application and granting of a Liquor Licence you need to talk to the Liquor Board and apply for a licence in terms of legislation.

List of equipment required to start a restaurant 

Kitchen equipment
Dining area (tables, chairs)
Sound and sight
Kitchen smalls
Dining room equipment
Shop fitting

List of companies selling restaurant equipment

1 . food serv

Foodserv Solutions offers a wide range of equipment to suit every need.

Tel: +27 (0)11 616 5183
Fax: +27 (0)11 616 8287 / +27 (0)11 616 8729
Address: 9 Watkins Street, Denver, 2094

2. Culinary

Culinary strives to provide the best service possible with every contact!

  • Lanseria Centre, Pelindaba Rd (R512), Lanseria, South Africa
  •  (011) 701 2200
  •           (010) 003 3199
  •  ​