Small business opportunities in south africa

1. Clothing Store Accounts Affiliates

You dont need a capital to start this business opportunity. All you need is to become an affilliate, and a little marketing skill. Clothing stores such as Truworths, YDE and Identity offer their affiliates a commission for every account that is opened through them. You can advertise this stores on free advertising websites such as , , , or tell all your friends and family using and whatsapp. By being an affiliate of these types of stores you are guaranteed to make some great extra money. You can sign up for this type of affiliate program through OfferForge

2. Babysitting Services business opportunity

This small business opportunity does not require capital. You can advertise this service on free websites, like olx, gumtree. You can also post flyers on shoprite notice board, or any store that alows you. This is the perfect work from home business opportunity for students. You can offer a safe place for children to stay while their parents have to work late, or you could take on a few staff members, train them and ensure that someone is always available when parents need their children looked after. There are numerous ways that you can make a profit from this type of service. You can take a commission from the babysitters you manage or you could take membership fees from signed up parents. Either way, your management skills in this type of business opportunity will be well rewarded.

3. Cosmetic & Jewellery Business opportunity

Avon Cosmetics and Honey Jewellery are great home business opportunities to get involved in. Everything can be done part time or full time and you can operate a small home office. The beauty of getting involved with either or these brands is that they are established on the market and well supported by the general public..With the right amount of effort and dedication you can turn this type of opportunity into a thriving success. All marketing material and catalogues are provided by both these companies.

Avon: Minimal start-up costs – Sign on for only R85 join avon : Hanny cc join Hannycc

4 VOX Business opportunity

Vox is the leading alternative service provider to Telkom. With the ADSL phone from Vox, calling your world is free and with the Vox dealership you can earn an annuity based income of up to R 30 000 pm and more, part-time or full-time. Vox uses the ADSL internet lines to reduce your customers’ phone bills with up to 40% while giving them money back on incoming calls. There is no capital outlay needed to start your Vox Business . To sign-up as a dealer presently you only need to pay the dealer set-up fee of R 780 which will earn you a starter pack with promotional media, training and presentation DVD’s. It is a great opportunity to take part in as you could be making commission while you sleep. more information go to vox website

5. General Service Business opportunity

This business opportunity has a potancial to grow big , if you are marketing it correctly .These types of businesses are built around the idea that hardworking citizens do not have the time to stand in queues or do general chores while they are at work. Having to do these chores on the weekend would then cut into their relaxation time. Your business could be set up very cost effectively and you could offer to stand in queues and complete documentation at home affairs’ offices, drop off dry cleaning for clients, collect and deliver important documents and even assist with licensing of vehicles, grocery shopping and even lifting children to and from school . The options are limitless and there is certainly a demand for this. Your initial start up costs would be low and you could start advertising at local stores and on notice boards in order to keep costs down. Great examples include Bunny Hop and Mom’s UIF Assist.

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Small Business Ideas in South Africa

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