- Description: Sasol Mining offers the Sasol Mining Fence-line (Mainstream) Programme, a comprehensive bursary opportunity for talented individuals planning to pursue full-time undergraduate studies in selected Engineering, Science, and Technology fields.
- Eligibility: South African citizens from Sasol Mining Fenceline communities, enrolled or intending to enroll in a bachelor’s degree (B.Sc., B.Eng., or B.Eng. Tech.) at a recognized South African University.
- Fields of Study: Engineering (Electrical, Electronic, Industrial, Mechanical, Mining), Science (Geology), and Engineering Technology (Mine Surveying).
- Application Criteria:
- Open to individuals in their first to fourth academic year of studies in 2024.
- Minimum academic requirements apply based on the chosen field of study and academic year.
- Application Process: Apply online at www.sasolbursaries.com. For assistance, contact the Call Centre on 086 010 6235.
Sasol Foundation Bursary Programme
- Description: The Sasol Foundation offers all-inclusive bursaries for full-time undergraduate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) degree studies. Priority given to disciplines aligned with future capabilities (Green Economy and Digitalisation).
- Eligibility: South African citizens pursuing degree studies at a public South African University.
- Application: Details about the application process for this programme will be announced in the future.
South African Mainstream Bursary Programme
- Description: The Sasol Mainstream Bursary Programme supports full-time university studies in engineering and science. Upon completion, graduates may be employed within the Sasol Group through Graduate Development Programmes. Note: Workback/payback obligation applies.
- Eligibility: Open to South African citizens pursuing specified undergraduate studies at a recognized South African University.
- Application: Further details about this programme will be provided when the next intake is confirmed.