Every electrical and electronic devices make use of batteries, Whichever purpose the battery serves, at the end of the battery’s life cycle the owner will simply throw it away.
What is battery recycling ?
Battery recycling can be described as crushing old batteries into pieces and then using the new pieces to make a new battery.
What is required to start and running a Battery Recycling Business in South Africa?
Step one: types of batteries
Which types of batteries you want to work with. Some battery recycling businesses limit the types of batteries they accept, such as only cell phone batteries or computer batteries. Determine if you want to specialize in specific batteries or if you want to operate the business as more of a general battery recycling business.
Step two: Business plan click here
Step three: Business registration click here
Step four: Battery recycling centers click here
next steps: STEP FIVE , 6 and 7 click here
Financing Your Battery Recycling and Reconditioning Business
Finance is a major deal when it comes to starting a business because it determines how far your business can achieve its goals and objectives. Some of the financing options that are available for the entrepreneur looking to start a battery recycling and reconditioning business include;
- Fund your startup yourself.
- Pitch your needs to friends and family.
- Applying for a Business loan
- Finding your business through crowdfunding
- Apply to local angel investor
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